Straight Pin

About this product

The Straight Pin (#9025004056), a vital component in the Drive-Chassis/Transfer Gear and Drive-Chassis/Transmission Gear (Mtm) systems of Toyota vehicles, serves a critical role in ensuring the alignment and stabilization of other parts within the transmission. Genuine Toyota Straight Pin (#9025004056)s are ideal for vehicle compatibility as they have been designed to meet Toyota's strict manufacturing standards. They are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty for added peace of mind. As the Straight Pin (#9025004056) ages, it can become worn, reducing its effectiveness in securing parts within the transmission. This could lead to mechanical issues such as gear misalignment, which could affect vehicle performance and safety. Therefore, periodic replacement is highly recommended. By maintaining the integrity of the transmission, the Straight Pin (#9025004056) contributes significantly to the system's overall efficiency and safety.